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Sunday, February 3, 2008

EXP & IMP Excersise

Here we ll see some examples about Export and Import .exp and imp are the executables that allow to make exports and imports of data objects (such as tables). With the exp and imp we used to take backup of data structures and data from where logical backups can be made.Its a light weight backup process.

Before taking the export first check below :

1.Select count(1) from dba_objects where owner='&OWNERNAME'; object_type,object_name from dba_objects where owner=upper('&OWNERNAME'); the users credential if the necessary priveleges are there to export and impot

4.Go to the Source Directory where you will put the export dump

EXP example:
C:\orcl\myExportDump>exp system/budhiya buffer=200000 file=export_scott.dmp compress=n owner=SCOTT log=scott.log

IMP example:
C:\orcl\myExportDump>imp system/budhiya buffer=200000 commit=y file=export_scott.dmp ignore=y fromuser=SCOTT touser=RAMA log=imp.log rows=y grants=Y INDEXES=y

EXP& IMP only tables example
C:\orcl\myExportDump>exp system/budhiya file=export_scott.dmp compress=n

C:\orcl\myExportDump>imp system/budhiya buffer=200000 commit=y file=export_scott.dmp ignore=y fromuser=RAMA touser=DIP log=imp.log rows=y grants=Y INDEXES=y

For more info refer :

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Panda,

Hope you are fine,

I have a general Question regarding Oracle's EXP/IMP or EXPDP/IMPDP based on a thread by TOM(askom) not use these utilties for Backup.

Do you consider these utilities can be used for a Production database (RAC/Single) Backup?
Give reasons in detail for both responses.

Another thing is that what do you suggest workaround for using these utilities in production (Suggested Steps).

Thanks and Looking Forward.

Aamer Javaid