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Showing posts with label unix commands. Show all posts
Showing posts with label unix commands. Show all posts

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Unix - Oracle Common DBA Handy Commands for General Admin Workz

Find out Which Server you are In:
oracle@myServer::/offline [BNFD] $ uname -aHP-UX myServer B.11.00 A 9000/800 1126424671 two-user license
du - estimate file space usage
Displays the free disk space in the / filesystem.df -kvi
1. to ckeck system activity History on UNIX :/var/adm/syslog/syslog.log
2. Ask Sysadmin to get the pwefview statistical analysis for that data
unix Find/Replace
:1,$ s/sun/mars/g
:1,$ s/mars/sun/g
sed 's/sun/mars/g' pasand.ctl > mars.ctl
sed 's/mars/sun/g' mars_ora_3770.trc > sun.ctl
The SCP command for different server copy :
scp *.dbf
be at the source and then go to the sourec directory:
scp filename with path username@destination servername:path of the dir and file
scp us_exp_140705.dmp
Find and Remove :
Find file which are more tha 30 days old and remove them from udump:
find . -atime +30 -name '*' -exec rm -f {} \;
find /d1/app/oracle/orasrv/admin/BNFD/arch -atime +3 -name '*' -exec rm -f {} \;
Common Vi Editor Commands:
ctrl + d = 1 page down
ctrl + u= 1 page up
to delete above (all)
to delete everything below the cursor:

The SCP command for different server copy :
scp *.dbf
be at the source and then go to the sourec directory:
scp filename with path username@destination servername:pathe of the dir and file
Unix command :
gzip -d arch135.arc.gz - - for unziping the files
spool c:\d760.csv -- to spool to the excel file